Our point of view on planning
The parish council is an important consultee for the District Planning Authority, which is part of Cotswold District Council (CDC). This means that we are notified of all new planning applications in the parish and asked to provide any comments by a strict deadline. The final decision is then taken by CDC as the local planning authority.
You can view all current planning applications under consideration by CDC in detail here, including consultee comments.
We also include details of planning applications and the council’s comments in our monthly meeting minutes. If you have any questions regarding planning, please contact CDC on planning@cotswold.gov.uk or telephone 01285 623000.

We understand that planning a burial at a time of bereavement can be especially challenging. As a council, we’re here to help make the process
run as smoothly as possible.
Funeral Directors please note we have extemely limited plots remaining therefore funerals/burials should not be arranged without prior checking that there is a plot available.
Please browse the forms below and download the ones you need. If you need help working out which forms you need, please contact Ms Nikki Holt, the Parish Clerk, on 01386 701602 or via email to parishclerk@blockley.org.uk.
Please note the reservation of plots is no longer possible due to limited space in the cemetery.

Village halls in Blockley Parish
We’re lucky to benefit from five excellent village halls located across the parish. All are available to hire for events like business meetings, performances and other special interest groups at competitive rates. You can find more details about facilities, seating capacity and more below.

St George’s Hall
Seats approx 165
Theatre stage
AV, sound & lighting rig
Full premises licence
Kitchen and catering facilities
60 parking spaces
Wheelchair accessible
Booking enquiries to Laura Bradley on info@stgeorgeshallblockley.org.uk

Jubilee Hall
Seats approx 80
60 parking spaces
Projector screen
Central heating
Booking enquiries to Hilary Sutton on
01386 700914 or suttons46@outlook.com

Little Village Hall
Seats approx 35
Well equipped kitchen
Recently refurbished
SmartScreen TV
Gigaclear Business Ultra broadband
Fully accessible WC
Wheelchair accessible
Booking enquiries to 01386 362055, email info.blvh@gmail.com or visit

Paxford Village Hall
Seats 56 maximum
Well equipped kitchen
Disabled WC
Recently refurbished
Wheelchair accessible
Adjacent on-street parking
Booking enquiries to 01386 593090
Email stephenjgoodfellow@yahoo.co.uk or visit

Draycott Mission Hall
Seats approx 35
Adjacent on-street parking
Wheelchair accessible
Booking enquiries to Kim McQuail on
01386 700660 or info@draycott-mission.org